2. Tools and Resources
Transcription style, guidelines, rules, and conventions.
- Parrot's Punctuation Guideline
- Numbers, Numerals, Dates, and Times
- Capitalization: Titles, Legal and Medical Terminology, and more.
- Non-Speech Notation: Transcribing things other than speech
- Crosstalk
- Sentence Structure: How People Really Speak
- Navigating Complex Recording Types
- Slang, Speaker Dialect, and Abbreviations
- Interruptions, Pauses, Stutters, and Breaks: Transcribing them the Parrot way
- Verbatim Transcription
- Minimal Responses: How to spell noises like "Mm-hmm" and "Uh-uh"
- Spelling Out Names
- Off-the-record Statements
- General Parrot Reporter Framework
- Parrot Glossary
- Multiple Languages: Transcribing with Interpreters