General Parrot Reporter Framework

Parrot Digital Reporters play a crucial role in legal proceedings by accurately facilitating the sessions. This guide outlines the general practices and standard verbiage our reporters use when introducing events, calling on and off the record, swearing in witnesses, and more.

Going on the record and opening the Deposition.

Good afternoon, we are now on the record. Today is {day}. It is {date}, the time is {time}. We are present to record the {Deposition name}. My name is {your name}, I will be the Parrot Digital Reporter for today’s proceedings.

Identifying the appearance of all present counsels for both parties and letting them stipulate.

Could the Counsel identify themselves and spell their last names for the record?

For the record, do all parties stipulate to this {Event} being conducted remotely?

Identifying the appearance of the present witness and swear them in.

Would the Witness please identify themselves and spell their last name for the record?

Mr/Ms. {Witness}, can you please hold a valid government photo identification up to the screen to verify your identity?

Thank you. Mr./Ms. {Witness}, please raise your right hand. Do you swear or affirm to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth during this {Event}?

Letting counsels know they can proceed with questioning.

Okay, whenever you are ready, you may proceed with questioning.

Calling on and off the record if counsels decide to take a break.

We are now OFF the record and the time is _______.

We are back ON the record and the time is _______.

Collecting transcript order information.

May I please confirm if the Witness will read or waive the transcript of today’s {Event} if it is ordered?

Are there any certified transcript orders at this time?

Would you like the standard turnaround of 7–10 days? We also offer 3–5 days or 24 hours.

Going off the record.

If there is nothing further, it is {time} and we are now off the record.

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