Verbatim Transcription

Updated: 07/31/24

Precision is incredibly important at Parrot, which is why we utilize verbatim transcription. Verbatim Transcription is where a transcriptionist types all of the words they hear, including certain non-speech sounds, interjections or signs of active listening, filler words, false starts, self-corrections, and stutters. Transcribe exactly what is said - never paraphrase or summarize a speaker’s words because it may alter the speaker’s meaning. 

One of Parrot’s strengths is the human element - you - and we count on your ability to be an independent reader. Balancing verbatim transcript with readability is delicate work. That said, there are generally accepted principles; these are listed below:

Never add context or analysis:

❌ Incorrect: I don’t want to talk to you. <angrily>

✅ Correct: I don’t want to talk to you.

Never censor expletives or explicit content:

❌ Incorrect: I said I don’t want to <expletive> talk to you.

✅ Correct: I said I don’t want to fucking talk to you.

Never correct a speaker’s grammar:


❌ Incorrect: I’m not gonna speak with those people.

✅ Correct: I ain’t gonna speak with them people.


❌ Incorrect: Those are my friends and I love them.

✅ Correct: Those be my friends and I love ‘em.

Always include filler words as far as possible:

❌ Incorrect: I don’t want to talk to you.

✅ Correct: You know, I don’t want to, um, talk to you.

Always include false starts that are quickly reworded:

❌ Incorrect: Yeah, we did go to the bar that night.

✅ Correct: No we di-- yeah, we did go to the bar that night.

Always include stuttering:

❌ Incorrect: I don’t want to talk to you.

✅ Correct: I-- I-- I don’t want to talk to you.

Always include intentional words spoken that may seem superfluous:

❌ Incorrect: I don’t want to talk to you because I don’t have to.

✅ Correct: I don’t want to talk to you because, well, I don’t have to.

Always spell out misuses of words as they are spoken:

❌ Incorrect: I went to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription drugs. 

✅ Correct: I went to the pharmacy to pick up my subscription [sic] drugs.

NOTE: Catching examples of [sic] is very difficult and requires an understanding of the situation, as well as following the context of the conversation. Visit this link if you want to learn more about how to use [sic].

Transcribe what you hear, not what you think should have been said. You are an impartial, unbiased party. Respect the integrity of your role and try to deliver a product that is as close to verbatim as possible. 

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