Using the Parrot App: Every Function, Feature, and Tool

Your Parrot Dashboard

Your dashboard is the first thing you'll see when you log into your Parrot account. Here, you'll be able to see everything you're working on, your payment status, and more. 

The navigation bar located at the top of your screen will take you to other sections of the app, namely to Analytics, Payments, and the Help Center (here!):

You can click on your name in the top right hand corner to log out or change your password: 

In the Home section, you can see everything that you're currently working on, and claim new

Claiming a Task 

Using the Transcript Editor

Our team of engineers and designers have worked hard to create a transcribing system that is comfortable and efficient. When you click “start transcribing” and the “play” button, you’ll hear the audio to be transcribed. Use the editable suggestions to create an accurate transcript, and assign speakers as you go. It might take a bit of practice to find your groove, but you’ll be surprised at how accurate and fast you can become in a short time.

Speed Settings 

Play around with speed settings to work out what is most comfortable for you. Speed settings can be found at the lower-middle of your page:

Keyboard Shortcuts

We suggest taking some time to practice and memorize the shortcuts; they will soon become a natural part of your transcribing process.These can really speed up your work. It may take some time, but with practice, they become invaluable. You can find a summary of these on the bottom-right of your dashboard.  Clicking the keyboard button will bring up a menu displaying the shortcuts:

Editing Speakers

Clicking the "Speakers" label on the left hand side of your screen will bring up the Speaker Panel. 

Here, you can 

  • Add speakers 
  • Edit speaker name
  • Remove irrelevant or unused speakers
  • Select speaker roles (e.g. "judge," "clerk," or "witness.")

If you want to quickly change a Speaker Label within the transcript, you can click on the speaker name next to the speech segment, and simply select a different speaker. You can also use the keyboard shortcut to change speakers even faster: 

command (⌘) + speaker number (1, 2, 3...)

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