What is the Typical Workflow?

Your Parrot Transcription Workflow

Every transcript at Parrot is completed through our browser-based application, which generates two versions of each transcript for our client; a traditional PDF transcript, and the online version, which allows clients to enjoy all of Parrot's incredible features. 

What an online transcript looks like: 

Let’s look at the lifecycle of a Parrot transcript...

  • An audio/video file is ordered for transcription by a Parrot client
  • Parrot’s machine learning technology generates a rough draft of the transcript
  • Longer recordings are split into manageable tasks
  • A transcriber claims a task to work on, transcribes it, and submits the task to be reviewed and approved by our review team

How does feedback work?

You'll get feedback on your transcript in the form of a transcript comparison, which is automatically generated when a reviewer has finished reviewing your task. It will show the differences between your transcript and what the reviewer submitted, so you have an understanding of where you went wrong. 

The transcription task will be added to your payouts tab after you have acknowledged the feedback you received. 

Note: At the moment, we do not have a built-in way to dispute changes made by reviewer. We understand that you may disagree with reviewers, or they may make a mistake, and we are keeping this in mind for future product updates. For now, please let the Parrot team know via Slack, email, or the Help Center if you disagree with a change.

How much or little should you work?

That's up to you! You can claim as many tasks to transcribe as you want to, but please only start working on tasks that you're committed to finishing. You're under no obligation to tell us when you take a short break or change your work schedule, but please give us a heads up if you're going to be away from Parrot for a while.

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