The Role of a Parrot Transcriber

The job of a legal transcriber is to provide a complete, accurate and secure written transcript detailing exactly what was said during court proceedings such as depositions, witness statements and more. Parrot makes use of AI and human transcribers to produce certified transcripts, as well as an online version with all of Parrot's wonderful features.

Parrot uses its own efficient, simple and intuitively designed proprietary software to support transcribers and revolutionize the court reporting industry. 

The finished product is likely to be used in actual legal proceedings, and could potentially affect the outcome. Your work may be the exact evidence a lawyer needs in a case.

As a new remote transcriber, it may take some time to understand your role, find your way around the Parrot software, learn how to handle new transcribing situations, and develop a productive workflow. Transcribers generally: 

  • are attentive listeners
  • have a strong command of grammar and punctuation
  • have speedy and accurate typing abilities
  • are willing to research what they don't know 


What are Parrot's accuracy standards?

It is vital that each transcription is as accurate as possible, as they might be used in criminal proceedings, investigations and other real-world situations.

  • Parrot makes use of both machine learning and human verification.
  • We expect the submission to be of a high standard - the reviewer is not meant to complete your work, or transcriber for you. They're there to catch genuine mistakes and oversights.
  • Our clients expect transcripts to be verbatim rather than interpretive or summarized. Read more about this here: Verbatim Transcription.


Confidentiality is paramount. Cases you handle will involve sensitive information such as trade secrets, medical diagnoses, and contact information for sexual abuse survivors.

This means no sharing of names and details in recordings, and no sharing of the actual recordings or transcripts with friends, family, significant others, or social media.

This is outlined in the work agreement that all Parrot partners sign. 

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