Transcription Tidbits

Updated: 09/12/24


When starting a sentence with conjunctions like “so,” “and,” “or,” or “but,” you generally do not place a comma immediately after the conjunction. Instead, use commas as necessary to separate clauses or improve clarity.

For example, you would not use a comma directly after “So” in “So we decided to stay home.” 👎

However, you would use a comma after “So” for clarity in “So, if you need help, let me know.” ✅

Numbers, Numerals, Dates, and Times

Important note: While phone numbers are of the format XXX XXX XXXX throughout the transcripts, the format for the Attorney’s phone numbers in the sidebar should still be (XXX) XXX-XXXX.


Remember: Getting corrections or adjustments on your work is a natural part of the process! It doesn’t mean you’ve done anything wrong or that you’re in trouble. Every piece of feedback is an opportunity to learn, improve, and grow in your skills. Think of it as a helpful nudge toward mastering the craft of transcription.

Important: Always listen to the audio at least once while transcribing instead of relying solely on AI. Rushing through transcripts or assuming you can simply edit the AI without thorough review can lead to errors that affect the entire team. Your careful attention ensures high-quality work and supports our collective success. Taking the time to get it right the first time benefits everyone and maintains our standard of excellence.

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